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Founded in a former 19th-century watch house on the famed Bermondsey Street in London, WatchHouse embodies a modern approach to coffee. The brand’s focus on provenance, high quality and attention to detail is evident across its 19 locations and eCommerce site.
Food & Drink
Development, Design, bluprint For Success
The challenge

Delivering a WatchHouse standard coffee experience on Shopify.

Already offering an exceptional modern coffee experience in their cafes, the WatchHouse team wanted to extend this experience to their online store with an inspirational eCommerce site. “This required a best-in-class user experience across all journeys and devices (with a mobile-first focus),” says Kaja Sztuczka, Delivery Lead at blubolt. “WatchHouse also wanted enticing store information, improved site speeds and more in-house flexibility and control.”

The solutions

A premium design to reflect a premium brand.

“Our goal was to ensure the design felt unique to the WatchHouse brand and conveyed the premium nature of their products and locations,” says Madeleine Gale, Design Lead at blubolt. “As such, our design employs unique layouts with a strong use of typography, photography, video, and space to create a clean and high-end feel while still adhering to best practices.” 

The design team also used progressive loading states and animations, horizontally scrolling parallax coffee profiles on the homepage, and parallax banners and storytelling to create a sense of movement and depth across various pages.

A bespoke blend of features and functionality.

“With 19 locations and no two being the same, the WatchHouse locations page required an outside-of-the-box approach,” says Jon MacKinnon, Tech Lead at blubolt. “As such, we designed a store page highlighting the unique locations, including an interactive map with Mapbox to allow users to find their nearest WatchHouse using IP and a city search functionality.”

Additional tech partners for the project included Klaviyo for emails, ReCharge for subscriptions, and Shopify Search & Discovery for search and filtering.

The results an exceptional modern brew.

WatchHouse’s ambition to create the quality of an in-store experience online has been realised. The brand now offers a sleek and sophisticated user experience and has gained greater in-house control to adapt to changing requirements. The new site design has also bagged an Honorable Mention from the Awwwards and a Special Kudos from the CSS Design Awards. We’re looking forward to the next chapter of WatchHouse’s expansion journey. Watch this space!

An agency to elevate your brand
Ambitious. Beautiful. Creative.
Technical. blubolt eCommerce.
Our work