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Simple, secure & compliant age verification for Shopify.

Our AgeChecked app is the first truly regulatory compliant app for Shopify stores selling age restricted products such as alcohol, knives or vaping products.
View on the App Store Shopify Plus Partner
Shopify Plus Partner
 If you’re using Shopify already, the AgeChecked app is perfect if you:
If you’re using Shopify already, the AgeChecked app is perfect if you:
  • Sell age-restricted products such as alcohol, vaping equipment and knives.

  • Need to ensure you comply with new government regulations.

  • Need to save time that would otherwise be spent contacting customers to verify age

What the Age-Checked app will enable you to do.

Ensure you're regulatory compliant & secure.

Protect your business and your customers by using the leading age verification solution, AgeChecked. This solution is fully compliant with regulatory and industry standards (e.g. GDPR, BSI’s PAS 1296).

Enjoy quick & seamless app set-up.

Do away with intrusive and unreliable popup windows asking for your customers’ age; this app verifies their age in the background after an order is placed, often without any further customer action required.

Conduct fast & cost-effective age checks.

Our contract-free monthly price means that you can simply add pay-as-you-go credit packs whenever you need them. And remember that you don’t get charged again for checks on returning customers.

Seamless age verification

It's really simple. This is how it works.

1. Your customer places an order.
1. Your customer places an order.

Once they've chosen their products to purchase, they proceed through the checkout, enter their address and billing details, and complete their order. At no point do they need to enter their age.

2. Select the orders you want to verify.
2. Select the orders you want to verify.

Within your Shopify orders area, select the orders that you want to verify, either in bulk or one at a time. If you're using the 'Plus' version of the app, it will automatically select new orders to process.

3. We’ll quickly run the age verification.
3. We’ll quickly run the age verification.

The AgeChecked app will then work in the background to run age verifications against each order and customer you have selected. The app checks a variety of sources and then shows you the results.

4. See the details and process your orders.
4. See the details and process your orders.

You'll see which customers have passed or failed the age verification and you can then either ship the order or follow up with them. You can also drill into more detail if you need to.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Want to learn more? Find our most commonly asked questions below!
How does this app comply with age verification regulations?

By using the AgeChecked service, the app is compliant with:

  • The industry standard for effective age verification (the BSI’s PAS 1296:2018 Online AgeChecking Code of practice), officially recommended by the UK Home Office for all online alcohol sales.

  • GDPR to keep your customers’ personal data safe and secure, and

  • the Age Verification Providers Association (AVPA) Code of conduct.) providing wider reassurance to your customers

You can learn more about how the technology works, how data is used, and how it meets regulations via the AgeChecked website.

Is the app easy to install on Shopify?

Yes! On the Shopify App store listing page, just click the button to install and follow the steps.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes! The app comes with a 14-day free trial and 10 free credits to allow you to test the features.

Do I still need to have an age-verification popup on my website?

Once this app is installed and you're performing age verifications, it technically negates the need to ask the customer for their age via a pop-up window.

What information can I see when you verify the age of a customer?

Each time an age check is run for a customer, you can easily see further details by clicking the 'View Summary' link. You will be able to see:

  • Email

  • Address

  • AgeChecked Reference Number

  • Age Verification Status (approved or not)

  • Method of age verification

  • Technical route of age verification

  • Recent Orders (Order#, Age Verification Status, date)

You can learn more about what the information means on this help document.

Do I need to create a separate account with AgeChecked?

No, there is no need to create a separate account with AgeChecked. Once you install the app, you will benefit from the same features and functions they normally offer.

What if I don't use all my credits?

When you purchase credit packs to use via the app, there's no expiry date set against them meaning you can roll them over to consecutive months should you need to.

Do you offer better rates if I buy more credits in one go?

If you're looking to use more credits than our current credit packs offer, please contact us to discuss rates.

Does this just work on Shopify or with other eCommerce platforms?

Currently this app only works on Shopify but we may explore further options in the future.

I've installed the app but want to upgrade/downgrade to the Plus Plan/Free Plan. Can do I do this?

Yes. You can upgrade to the Plus Plan or downgrade to the Free Plan at any time. Simply uninstall the app, wait at least 10 seconds so the data can reset, and then reinstall the app. Your existing credits will be available to you when you reinstall the app. Please note that no refunds will be given for uninstalls.

Do you have a privacy policy for the app?

Yes, please refer to our privacy policy here.

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