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Rave Coffee.

Rave Coffee.

Rave Coffee is all about the beans. No jargon, just great coffee made simple with freshly roasted single-origin beans & blends.
Food & Drink
Development, Design, Optimisation, bluprint For Success
The challenge

Delivering barista quality on Shopify Plus.

Already enjoying the power of Shopify Plus, Rave Coffee sought a total redesign using Shopify’s Online Store 2.0 and evaluation of their customer journey on the site. “The team’s objective was to achieve high-level UX standards, greater flexibility, and in-house control,” says Scott MacDonald, Client Services Director at blubolt at blubolt. “This, in turn, would increase conversions, and the number of subscriptions and retained customers.”

The solution

Full of beans: an energetic & high-performing design.

The blubolt team delivered a high-energy design that reflects Rave's upbeat tone and commitment to taking customers on a coffee journey. With the brand's signature yellow, the team utilised distinctive icons – for example, the graphics for different coffee grinds – to achieve a fun and fast experience for the user.

Going to town with Shopify's sections everywhere.

Building with Shopify's new Online Store 2.0, the blubolt team unlocked a raft of settings to give Rave Coffee maximum in-house flexibility and creative control. For example, on the homepage, blubolt utilised Shopify's new 'sections everywhere'. This enables the client to easily customise the page by flipping images and text on banners or changing the icons above text. Similarly, hero banners can be adjusted for triple or split image formats. Rave also has complete control over the ticker banner and the sliders for best-sellers, new arrivals, and reviews. So much customisation without contacting the development team!

This level of internal creative freedom and flexibility is evident throughout the rest of the site. For example, on the product landing pages (PLP), Rave can easily change the icons, headlines and colours. They can also add advert banners among the products to push particular messaging like new arrivals or offers.

Custom blend: tailored subscriptions with bags of personality.

Rave Coffee considers its subscriptions a coffee apprenticeship – customers learn more with every cup. As such, blubolt worked in partnership with reCharge to deliver a subscription service that was fun, educational, and approachable! For example, by following personality-filled icons, customers first select their coffee style before moving on to grind style, duration (if it's for a gift), delivery date, and bags per delivery. Handily, the pop-up calculator checks how many cups the customer drinks per day and then calculates how many bags are needed! The speedy process concludes with a summary page so customers can check their choices before submitting the order.

Full-strength functionality.

blubolt polished the new Rave site with a carefully curated group of tech partners to enhance the already impressive build. As mentioned previously, reCharge delivered subscriptions and Feefo for customer reviews, Klaviyo for email marketing, Boost Commerce for filters, Covet Pics for the Instagram feed, and Smart Wishlist.

Increase in revenue
Increase in conversion
Extra visits per year
The summary

A quality caffeine kick on Shopify Plus.

The new Rave Coffee website stands out from the crowd with its distinctive and energetic design. What’s more, the easy and educational custom subscription service elevates the customer journey while also being fun. So it’s mission accomplished for Rave Coffee!

An agency to elevate your brand
Ambitious. Beautiful. Creative.
Technical. blubolt eCommerce.
Our work