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We design, build and optimise bespoke Shopify Plus & Centra solutions to elevate your brand so you grow faster.
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Kenro is a one-stop-shop for photographic accessories, selling everything from tripods, flash guns and lighting to film, slide and photo scanners. The brand also offers photography-related homeware such as decorative frames, photo memory albums and homewares from its sister brand Kusso. Along with its own exclusive product collection, Kenro’s range also includes complementary products from innovative brands like Nissin, Marumi, Sevenoak and NanGuang. Supplying both consumers and trade, Kenro is known for consistently delivering knowledgeable advice, reliable service, and great value.
Development, Design, Optimisation, bluprint For Success
The challenge

Delivering a smooth migration to Shopify Plus.

“Kenro wanted to migrate its B2B and B2C sites to one new website that could effectively manage both,” says Kaja Sztuczka, Project Manager at blubolt. “In addition to opening up more direct-to-consumer opportunities, the brand sought an updated look and feel on the new site.” With these requirements in mind, the blubolt team migrated the old sites to Shopify Plus. In doing so, Kenro has taken advantage of all the native capabilities of Shopify Plus - from quality user experience and scalability to greater in-house control and flexibility.

The solutions

Hotshot: a sleek theme design.

"Kenro wanted a sleek and user-friendly Shopify Plus site design that could effectively house both camera products and homewares without confusing the user,” says Maddy Gale, Designer at blubolt. “As such, we delivered a streamlined design on Shopify’s Online Store 2.0 to reflect this.” The new site has an uncluttered feel with intuitive navigation that efficiently groups the huge range of product types into Shop Photo, Shop Video, and Shop Living categories. It also has clear product filtering, subtle animation to zoom in on images, and a quick links bar so customers can easily find Kenro’s top product categories.

Wide lens: new features & functionality.

Building with Shopify’s Online Store 2.0, the blubolt team enabled a series of settings to give Kenro greater in-house flexibility and creative control. “Using Shopify’s ‘sections everywhere’, Kenro can now easily update the homepage, collections and product pages without contacting the development team,” says Tom Bellew, Senior Developer at blubolt. “We also set up Shopify Markets, Shopify's new cross-border management tool. This enables Kenro to easily sell internationally from a single store as it handles foreign currencies, languages, domains, duties collection, and payment methods.” Other tech partners for the project include Klaviyo for email marketing, Nosto for product recommendations, Judge.Me for reviews, and Boost Commerce for product filters and search.

Double exposure: seamlessly combining B2B & B2C.

The blubolt team designed the new Kenro site for both B2B and B2C, using Sparklayer for the heavy B2B lifting. The main consideration for design was ensuring that the widgets and implementation felt in line with the rest of the brand and that the mini cart versus Sparklayer orders were in line with each other. To ensure a high-quality and similar experience for both customer groups, the team included some content that would only display if a B2B-tagged account was logged in. This allowed users to view specific product content and access downloadable spec sheets and images for their wholesale content while keeping the layout and design the same.

Increase in revenue
Increase in conversion
Extra visits per year
The summary

Kenro: camera-ready for B2B & B2C on Shopify Plus.

With a fresh design and the power of Shopify Plus, Kenro’s new site elevates the brand and enables the Kenro team to pursue more direct-to-consumer opportunities. We look forward to hearing about their success!