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We'll get back to you within 24 hours (typically sooner!) to arrange a time to speak.
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01225 580037
Mon - Fri | 9am - 5pm
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We design, build and optimise bespoke Shopify Plus & Centra solutions to elevate your brand so you grow faster.
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2024 eCommerce Trends & Predictions.

Fancy getting a head start on eCommerce in 2024?

Join our webinar for the inside scoop.

When → Contact us below to book a convenient time.

Where → This is a free 30-minute video call.

Who → Any UK or European retailers.

In an informal one-to-one video call with Leigh Mardon, blubolt COO, you'll get:

  • eCommerce trends and predictions for 2024, 

  • the latest updates from the world of Shopify and

  • an opportunity to ask us anything!

We’ve helped elevate & grow these top brands.

What you'll learn.

Trends & Predictions
  • We've got an extensive network of Shopify Plus and eCommerce industry connections and will walk you through all the key trends and predictions for the rapidly changing eCommerce industry.

Shopify Updates
  • Shopify has ambitious plans for 2024! We'll share key statistics and insights on the rapidly evolving platform, plus the top five future platform developments and features you need to know about.

Ask Us Anything
  • Have a list of eCommerce or Shopify questions you'd like answered? In this information one-to-one session, you can ask us anything in a frank and confidential environment!